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Magento 2 Security Update: Key Rotation and Data Re-encryption

In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, security is paramount. Ensuring your Magento 2 installation is up-to-date with the latest security patches and encryption standards is crucial for protecting sensitive data. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of rotating encryption keys and re-encrypting sensitive data in Magento 2. This real-world scenario covers the installation of the genecommerce/module-encryption-key-manager module, which is essential for managing encryption keys in Magento 2.

Step 1: Installing the Encryption Key Manager Module

Before we begin the key rotation and re-encryption process, you’ll need to install the genecommerce/module-encryption-key-manager module. This module provides a comprehensive toolset for generating and managing encryption keys in Magento 2.

Installation Steps:

  • Require the Module via Composer: Open your terminal and navigate to your Magento 2 root directory, then run the following command:
composer require genecommerce/module-encryption-key-manager
  • Enable the Module: After installing the module, enable it:
bin/magento module:enable Gene_EncryptionKeyManager
  • Run Magento Setup Upgrade: To apply the changes, run the setup upgrade command:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Compile and Deploy Static Content: If you are running in production mode, recompile and deploy static content:
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Flush the Cache: Finally, flush the Magento cache to ensure the changes take effect:
bin/magento cache:flush

With the genecommerce/module-encryption-key-manager module installed and ready to use, we can now proceed with exporting the database and re-encrypting sensitive data.

Step 2: Exporting the Database

The first step is to export the database in a human-readable format. This ensures that all values are on the same line as the INSERT INTO statements, which is essential for the subsequent steps.


Using n98-magerun:
n98-magerun db:dump --human-readable

Or, using mysqldump:

mysqldump --extended-insert=FALSE -u [username] -p[password] [database] > db.sql

Step 3: Identifying Tables Requiring Key Rotation

Next, identify which tables contain data that requires key rotation. This involves searching for specific patterns in the SQL dump file.


gzcat demo.sql.gz | grep -E "VALUES\s*\(.*\d:\d:...*'" | awk '{print $3}' | uniq



These are the tables that contain sensitive data requiring re-encryption.

Step 4: Applying the Security Patch

With the tables identified, apply the necessary security patch to the Magento 2 installation. In this case, we applied the VULN-27015-2.4.5x.composer.patch.

We placed the patch in the m2-hotfixes folder and modified it to ensure it applied correctly to our environment.

Step 5: Disabling Cron and Enabling Maintenance Mode

Before proceeding with the key rotation, disable the cron jobs and enable maintenance mode to prevent any conflicts or data inconsistencies during the process.


./vendor/bin/ece-tools cron:disable
bin/magento maintenance:enable

Step 6: Generating a New Encryption Key

Generate a new encryption key, which will be used to re-encrypt all sensitive data across the identified tables.


bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:generate --force

Result: The system will generate a new key and re-encrypt the necessary data. The cache is cleaned automatically after the process.

Step 7-12: Re-encrypting Sensitive Data

Re-encrypt the sensitive data in each of the identified tables.


Core Configuration Data:

bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:reencrypt-unhandled-core-config-data --force

TFA User Config:

bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:reencrypt-tfa-data --force

Customer Entity (RP Token):

bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:reencrypt-column customer_entity entity_id --force

OAuth Consumer (Secret):

bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:reencrypt-column oauth_consumer entity_id secret --force

OAuth Token (Secret):

bin/magento gene:encryption-key-manager:reencrypt-column catalog_product_entity_text value_id value

After each command, the system verifies that all old entries are re-encrypted with the new key.

Step 13: Verifying the Encryption

Enable logging for any decryption that still uses the old key to ensure that all data has been migrated to the new encryption key.


php bin/magento config:set --lock-env dev/debug/gene_encryption_manager_only_log_old_decrypts 1
php bin/magento config:set --lock-env dev/debug/gene_encryption_manager_enable_decrypt_logging 1

Monitor your logs for entries related to the “gene encryption manager.” If no old key usages are logged, the re-encryption process is successful.

Note: If you encounter issues with configuration file changes, a re-deployment via the Cloud Console may be necessary.

Step 14: Re-enable Cron and Disable Maintenance Mode

Once verification is complete, flush the cache, re-enable cron jobs, and disable maintenance mode.


bin/magento cache:flush
./vendor/bin/ece-tools cron:enable
bin/magento maintenance:disable


Following these steps ensures that all sensitive data in your Magento 2 installation is protected by the latest encryption standards. Regularly applying security patches and rotating encryption keys is a best practice that helps safeguard your eCommerce site against potential vulnerabilities.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with your Magento 2 installation, feel free to reach out in the comments!

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