System configuration in admin Magento 2
System configuration in admin Magento 2

System configuration mainly used as module configuration where the admin will set some configuration for specific modules like enable/disable the module. Get some input or selection of options like that…

How to delete image or file in Magento 2
How to delete image or file in Magento 2

When we are working on an image or file upload functionality from the front end of Magento, we also allow customers to upload another or update the image so that…

How to create a new table using Declarative Schema( db_schema.xml) in Magento 2
How to create a new table using Declarative Schema (db_schema.xml) in Magento 2

We all know about PHP script like InstallSchema.php (the old way to create new tables) to create new tables but Magento has introduced Declarative schema to create or maintain the…

File Upload in System Configuration in Magento 2
File Upload in System Configuration in Magento 2

The following files and steps will help you to add file upload in a system configuration with custom file type validation. <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Config:etc/system_file.xsd"> <system> <tab id="codedecorator" class="code-config-tab"…

Magento 2 : Deprecated Functionality: Function ReflectionType::__toString() is deprecated
Magento 2 : Deprecated Functionality: Function ReflectionType::__toString() is deprecated

If you are stuck with above problem, we have solution for you which mentioned below. File: vendor/zendframework/zend-code/src/Reflection/ParameterReflection.php OR File: vendor/laminas/laminas-code/src/Reflection/ParameterReflection.php In function detectType() replace line return (string) $type; with return…

How to add custom attribute to the body tag in Magento 2
How to add custom attribute to the body tag in Magento 2

You have already noticed attribute tag in layout xml and you are wondering what is doing. Let's just see the customer_account.xml ..... <head> <title>My Account</title> </head> <body> <attribute name="class" value="account"/>…

How to enable error reporting in Magento 2
How to enable error reporting in Magento 2

As developers, we always need to see the error while developing extensions or solving the bugs. Many times you just see the blank page on Magento and wonder what will…

How to reload/refresh the quote using js in Magento2
How to reload/refresh the quote using js in Magento2

We were working on custom discount module where it allows customers to use the points assigned by the admin on checkout(kind of rewards point in magento). To give discount on…

Magento Extensions Are Fundamentals To A Successful E-commerce Store
Magento Extensions Are Fundamentals To A Successful E-commerce Store

Introduction: It's difficult not to notice new changes when they appear on a daily basis. The modern technologies' time-saving and cost-effective features cause us to drool over them from time…

What is the difference between type and virtualType - Practical Example
What is the difference between type and virtualType – Practical Example

When we started working with Magento2, we found lot of the new features and new concept with it. One of the major and confusing the topic of the Magento2 is…